Monday, August 14, 2023




to my New Site

My old website provider went belly-up and it will disappear at the end of August. recalling that this blogger site was easy to manage I thought I’d give it a go. It will be a little different from what I had before..but should do nicely. I hope to get my domain name ( pointed to this site before the other disappears. Fingers crossed 🤞 Wish me luck!
This page you are on is the Blog Page also called Home and it will be something like you see on Face Book….with all my latest posts at the top..but it will be easy to find posts through the Archive and Labels in the side bar to your right. You can see stand alone pages in the bar above where you will be able to view a selection of finished paintings….Oils, Watercolours and Pastels. If you would like more information about any painting you see…just use the contact form in the side bar on the right.  ENJOY!
NOTE: If you are on a phone you might have to view the web version to see the side bar
Scroll to bottom of page and choose : web version